Healthy Start
Are you seeking a healthy start to your child’s orthodontic care?
Lucky for you, our practice offers the Healthy Start program for children between the ages of six and twelve, enabling them to address their orthodontic needs without using braces! Healthy Start is a wonderful option, as it provides numerous benefits for children, including:
- Results that are achieved much faster than braces
- Prevents the need for braces in the future
- Helps correct sleep-related breathing disorders
The Healthy Start system features a removable appliance that must be worn a few hours each day, or at night while your child is sleeping. Because children’s teeth are still developing during this age range, these appliances are able to gently guide erupting teeth into proper alignments.
As the permanent teeth begin to grow, they will take the place of the primary teeth and emerge in the correct position. This allows the system to straighten their teeth early in life so that they can enjoy a happy, healthy smile for their future.
By gradually manipulating the arch development, the appliance creates more space for your child to breathe properly as well. By expanding the arch of the jaw, this improves airflow to the child and facilitates proper breathing.
With a focus on both your child’s overall health as well as straightening their teeth, Healthy Start can:
- Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep
- Eliminate mouth breathing, teeth grinding, and bedwetting
- Control hyperactivity or lack of focus
- Support the reduction of speech problems
- Correct the alignment of the teeth